Oh dears..how are going your nervous?
Only 10 days to go for the “Big Day” for many of us! After months of training, under the rain, in the dark , after a hard day at work , when we didn’t even feel motivated for go and do the planned workout , we did and mostly of the time alone with the only patner to push you our was yourself!
And then here we are… count down for the most important running date that we was waiting for long times it is only a few days a head!
From my personal experience after my first marathon 2 years ago and my knowledge as a Sports Science graduated, I would like to share with all my top 5 Pre-race and Racing Tips for London Marathon,which I hope could help you!.
1. Tapering Period
If you are planning to do any intesity workout in less than 10 days before the rest,it is time to thing about it. … numerous studies said that a high intensity workout that produce a high level of lactic in your muscles ( that sore feeling after 75% or higher effort set session or tempo run) , it could take between 15-10 days to recover your muscles 100% after a workout, specially if you did a long tempo run , long sets or farleck in that period before the race.
This means, if you feel that you miss a intensity workout planning to do it before you marathon, don’t do it the last 2 weeks before the race day. This is no means that you can’t run, but the intensity of your workouts shouldn’t be more that 70 % effort . Of course, no everyone it is the same and each individual has different lactic adaptation depending of their level of fitness ,so some people will recover quicker than others.
For example, a professional athlete could do a session 80% effort 7 days before the race and feel full recovered for the race day. The reason is because he is a high level runner and he has a great level of lactic adaptation , but for a intermediate runner , which is not used to do this kind of workouts often , it could take longer to get your body 100%.
So, as Physiology professor Frank Cotton recommends for a intermediate runner, the training should eased up at least three weeks before the race to get your organism recovered and on optim conditions for the important day. And this period is known as ” tapering” period. So don’t wonder to do 20 miles 10 days before the marathon day or you will feel it later.
2. Racing Shoes
Mostly of runners has a pair of shoes , which has been worn during all the training program and it will be the same pair to run the marathon. This is the most common thing, but not always these shoes are responsive enough for the race as maybe the cushioning it is already done.
There are many opinions about the “kms life” for a shoe, but to be honest I don’t think everyone track how many kms runs on them and also this depends of the runner weight too. So from my experience is about feelings , If you start having pains when those shoes was perfect for you ,that it is a sign or if you feel the ground on your fore foot that it wasn’t happening before, it is and also a sign. Other tip is the back heel of the shoe, if it is really deformed shape ,that’s means the shoes are done!
In this case , I will recommended to get the same pair or lighter weight shoe with similar cushioning and design to run the marathon, but don’t wait to the last minute to trial them!
In terms of the size, I am sure you don’t want to get any painful blisters,so part of get your foot nails done, your shoes have to be big enough .The best way to measure,it is to get on thumb on the front between the toes and the top of the shoe. This definitely works!
3. Nutrition before and after the race The traditional thought about the ideal menu the previous week before the race ,it is a Carbs diet. Eat day and night everyday pasta and that’s is not the ideal plan. They could make you feel heavy and will be storage as fat in your body ,if you don’t burn it.
So ,from my experience, twice a week pasta as salad or plain plus,rice meet and fish like salmon the rest of the days will be a good combination.Of course, don’t forget to keep you hydrated with still water or fruit inside getting ready your body for the effort.
The breakfast on your race day is a key. Eat at least 90 min before the starting time and be careful what you eat and how you eat. Don’t try nothing that you are not used to, my perfect breakfast it is a cup of coffee with milk ,2 small toast of rye bread with peanut butter or scramble eggs instead. And if it ok for you, a banana . Make your that you don’t a heavy breakfast or big portion,which it will be difficult to digest affecting the course of your race.
In terms what to eat during the race it is quiet symple. I suggest to have a ” test” long run before the day. That could be the last long run planned in your program and it would be your opportunity to try what you are going to take and when to eat. No always Everything that the race stations offers is going for everyone,so it is better to be ready in case.
From my experience , The gels are not really good for me,being difficult to digest and artificial flour doesn’t help but for other runners are perfect. For this reason,I prefer carbs or protein bars like treck ,which has good amount of energy and natural flavour,being easy to eat. In terms of type of drink, normally I take water from the station,taking small sips.
About WHEN to do it, as I said,everyone is different, but in my case, km 7 , 16, 20, 24, 28,32 or 36 are my top stages to eat small pieces of bars or take small sips of water. If you don’t feel hungry or thirsty,don’t even try to avoid any intakes! You body is a machine and needs fuel for a such big effort, so if you want to finish in good conditions, train your nutrition as important piece.

Typical mistake and the principal reason of injuries,the warm-up,which is normally avoid for runners taking the first kms easy “warming-up” . Take enough time to arrive to the venue and leave 3omin to get ready for the race. Normally, you need to be 10 min before at the Start line,so you have 20 min to jog really slow for 10-15 min and do dynamic stretches,especially hip-flexor and core (internal/external rotation, upper body rotations,etc) really demanded during a long run ,helping you active your body and be ready to go.
5. The Racing Pace
Especially if it is your first marathon, don’t think to run it like 10k pace, it is a tremendous step. Marathon is race that your run with your mind, talking to yourself and checking if your cardio and muscles are on the right conditions every single km. Even when you are feeling great after the half ,your feelings could change drastically the last 10k ,when the famous wall could make its appearance. ( when your motivation may go down and your body conditions are not that great anymore) .
So, my advice is to get an steady pace,which will be easy to maintain for long without issues.Hyperventilating or lactic on your muscles the first 10k are not the right feelings to maintain the pace.
Find your pace, normally a little bit faster than it was during your tempo long runs,but if you start to suffer, don’t hesitate to slow down a little bit and maybe later,depending how you feel ,you could progress the last 10k 0k are not the right feelings to maintain the pace.Find your pace, normally a little bit faster than it was during your tempo long runs,but if you start to suffer, don’t hesitate to slow down a little bit and maybe later,depending how you feel ,you could progress the last 10k.
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