This year is being the most difficult for most of the world, we never though that our lifestyle will change so much. However, we learned a lot about how important is physical and mentally wellness for ourselves, adapting our new normality to our new routine, cancelling our gym membership to train indoor on our own.
But even this challenging year made as to take our own initiative to improve our health and stay positive, going for runs between breaks training at home and seeing the great impact that does for our positive mindset.
For this reason, I would like to congratulate to all of you that try go out and train in your own doing your solo workouts, finding the motivation where it wasn't at all.
So this new year I want to help you to keep progressing in your fitness and looking after your mental health as the most valuable treasure. Being honest, How many times you thought about something to get it done but you didn't complete or blaming yourself because you didn't achieve your business results?
I know exactly how it is that feeling, for this reason I want you to share some small tips to don't miss your fitness goals this 2021.
Your Health is a priority : oh yeah, the main reason Why you don't achieve your fitness results it id because you don't establish time for your workout, leaving it as an extra activity if maybe.. you would have time. But if you schedule 30-40 mins at least 3 times per week to start, you would will be able to progress from there and increase the motivation you need, however if you put on your calendar a MUST activity like others, definatly you will give the importance that your health deserves.
Plan your goals: Maybe just you want to feel good ad improve your energy levels, but maybe you want to get muscle definition, get lean, improve your running performance or learn about new training skill like Kettlebells. For this you need to plan how many workout per week, consider your nutrition routine and work from there progressively.
One step at a time : One thing that it being a normality is to log in Youtube or follow a workout online every day. It is sounds like a plan, but if the level, intensity and the workout itself doesn't motivates you, it will be a struggle to maintain in long term. For this reason, don't try to do everything in once, try the first week to do 30 mins walk-run or any simple workout that wakes your motivation and makes you to feel that you want it to do again . Same with the food routine, don't try to change everything that you eat and workout fully into a plan that your are not used to, that's makes you to feel under pressure and a hard plan to maintain a long term.

At the end team, you want to improve your lifestyle making workout and healthy nutrition routine something to stay with you and not a trendy for a certain time, for this reason I invite you to be patient and take it easy but without pause in your routine .
Stay positive and healthy team and feel free to train with me through my workouts in Instagram @miss_personal_ trainer and Youtube channel to help you to build your Stamina Power!
All the best wishes for this new year team!!
